Meet us at Freshers Fayre, we’re usually hard to miss!

If you’d like to get involved, email us and we will get in touch with gigs, meetings and training via email!

If you join our society through the USSU website, the magic system will add you to our group on MS Teams where much of our organisation takes place.

We meet every Monday (termtime) at 6pm! Meetings are in the Students’ Union, either in the Committee room or up in Hari’s Bar. Check our socials closer to the time for the latest info.

At the meetings we run through all of the gigs we’ll be doing that week, as well as any upcoming training sessions and socials.

It’s never too late to join us! Just come along to a weekly meeting and we’ll talk to you about training and joining us!

0 Prior knowledge or experience is needed to join us! We provide many training sessions both in sessions and on gigs. Whether you’ve done sound for a production, been crew on a gig or never touched a cable before… we cater for all levels of experience!

Students with zero prior experience before joining Crew have gone on to be in charge of events even while in their first year!

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